For donations on the bank account: please contact the operations room at Abdel Raheem Jardaneh School, on the numbers: (+972 9) 2383011, (+972 9) 2383012, (+972 9) 2383013, (+972 9) 2383014, (+972 9) 2383030, from (morning 9 - 12), (evening 4 -7), on the bank account:
189 460 / Bank of Palestine Ltd.
Where the Money is Going
When the Lubbadeh Building was destroyed on August 26, 2006, more than 100 people were left homeless, without even the time to collect the smallest of their personal belongings. The Israeli army, suspecting that there were two alleged militants inside the building, destroyed the building apartment by apartment. During the entire process, which lasted more than half a day, the residents were detained in two nearby apartments. The soldiers, ignoring the resident's pleas, would not allow the families to take even the most basic of supplies, such as milk and diapers for the children, prescription medicine for life-threatening medical conditions, or essential identification documents. Although the residents swore that the alleged militants were not inside and a thorough search of the building turned up nothing, the soldiers continued to tear the building apart room by room. When the dust settled at the end of the day, the building lay in ruins and not a trace of the suspected militants was found. The soldiers departed without even so much as an apology, leaving in their wake dozens of shattered lives.
Though this is just one of over 30,000 incidents of homes being destroyed by the Israeli Occupation Forces, this event came at a particularly difficult time. The unemployment rate in Nablus is over 50% and rising as a result of the checkpoints and recent sanctions. Numerous residents were unemployed and of those who were employed, many were government employees who haven't been paid in over half a year. The families were already struggling to pay for their children's supplies for school, which started at the beginning of September. Now, they face the nearly impossible task of trying to take care of their children and meet their basic needs, in addition to trying to find new homes and replace a lifetime's worth of belongings.
We hope to raise $50,000 USD to pay for the reconstruction of the building. Local donors, including President Abbas, have already pledged approximately $80,000 USD, but we are still short of our goal. Unfortunately, given the current economic circumstances, it would be impossible to get more from the local community. Thus we are appealing to the international community for help.
Any donation, no matter how small or large, can make the biggest of differences. The money that you donate will go directly to the cost of rebuilding the homes of these families. While reconstructing the building can never replace the irreplaceable memories, photos, and other family memorabilia lost in the rubble, by helping us rebuild the building, you can help give these people a chance to start rebuilding their lives.
Any additional money raised above the cost of rebuilding the house will go directly to the families to help them buy basic necessities such as clothing, diapers, and medicine and school supplies for children. By helping with these essential items, we aim to relieve at least some of the financial burden that these families face in trying to completely rebuild their lives from scratch.
You can be assured that none of the money you send will be used for partisan, administrative, or governmental purposes. The money that you donate will be administered by a team of nonpartisan international and local volunteers who will make sure that the money goes directly to the costs of rebuilding and taking care of the families. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding donations, administration, etc.